Investor Relations

Credit Ratings

  Moody's S&P Fitch
Outlook Positive Stable Stable
Long-term issuer rating A1 A AA-
Short-term issuer rating P-1 A-1 F1+
Senior Unsecured A1 A AA-
Subordinated debt A3 A- A
Junior Subordinated Baa1 BBB BBB+
Trust Preferred Baa1 BBB BBB+
Preferred stock Baa2 BBB BBB+ 

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Credit Ratings

  Moody's S&P Fitch
Outlook Developing Stable Stable
Long-term issuer rating Aa2 AA- AA
Short-term issuer rating P-1 A-1+ F1+
Senior Unsecured Aa2 AA- AA
Long-term domestic deposits Aa1 N/A AA+
Subordinated debt Aa3 A- A+

JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Credit Ratings

  Moody's S&P Fitch
Outlook Positive Stable Stable
Long-term issuer rating Aa3 AA- AA
Short-term issuer rating P-1 A-1+ F1+

JPMorgan Securities LLC Credit Ratings

  Moody's S&P Fitch
Outlook Positive Stable Stable
Long-term issuer rating Aa3 AA- AA
Short-term issuer rating P-1 A-1+ F1+

JPMorgan Securities plc Credit Ratings

  Moody's S&P Fitch
Outlook Negative (m)1 Stable Stable
Long-term issuer rating Aa3 AA- AA
Short-term issuer rating P-1 A-1+ F1+

JPMorgan Chase Bank SE Credit Ratings

The “(m)” modifier attached to J.P. Morgan SE, reflects the multiple instrument level outlooks assigned to JPMSE. The long-term bank deposits are on negative outlook while the long-term issuer rating is on positive outlook, consistent with that of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

These credit ratings are provided for information purposes only. Credit ratings are solely the opinions of the rating agencies. JPMorgan Chase does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility for, the credit ratings issued by the rating agencies. Credit ratings may be changed, superseded or withdrawn by the rating agencies at any time.

Legal Entity Management

Material Entities

Material Legal Entities1

Material Legal Entities


Material Legal Entities1
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Holding Company


JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (JPMCB)

Paymentech, LLC; JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd.; J.P. Morgan SE; J.P. Morgan Securities plc

Material Branches

  • JPMCB Hong Kong
  • JPMCB London
  • JPMCB Philippines GSC
  • JPMCB Singapore
  • JPMCB Sydney
  • JPMCB Tokyo

Intermediate Holding Company

  • JPMorgan Chase Holdings LLC (JPMCH)

Primary U.S. Broker-Dealer

  • J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

Captivve Service Entity

  • J.P. Morgan Services India Private Limited

Asset Management Entities

  • JPMorgan Distribution Services, Inc.
  • J.P. Morgan Investment Management Inc.
  • JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.a.r.l.
  • JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited 


1 As of July 1, 2023.  An MLE is a subsidiary or foreign office that is significant to the activities of a critical operation or core business line. MLEs reported under the Dodd-Frank Act may differ from the significant legal entity subsidiaries that are reported in JPM Group’s SEC filings.

© JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Long–term Unsecured Issuance and Securitizations

Senior and Subordinated Debt

JPMorgan Chase & Co. trailing 12-month senior and subordinated benchmark debt issuance

ISIN / Link
to Prospectus        
Type Coupon Currency Notional
US46647PEW23 Senior - Callable 5.502% until 1/24/2035; then Compounded SOFR + 1.315% USD 2,750 1/24/2025 1/24/2036
US46647PEV40 Senior - Callable 5.140% until 1/24/2030; then Compounded SOFR + 1.01% USD 2,500 1/24/2025 1/24/2031
US46647PET93 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR + 0.80% USD 750 1/24/2025 1/24/2029
US46647PEU66 Senior - Callable 4.915% until 1/24/2028; then Compounded SOFR + 0.80% USD 2,000 1/24/2025 1/24/2029
XS2986317506 Senior - Callable 3.588% until 1/23/2035; then 3mE + 1.05% EUR 2,000 1/23/2025 1/23/2036
US46647PES11 Senior - Callable 5.534% until 11/29/2044; then Compounded SOFR + 1.55% USD 2,500 11/29/2024 11/29/2045
US46647PEP71 Senior - Callable 4.505% until 10/22/2027; then Compounded SOFR + 0.86% USD 2,000 10/22/2024 10/22/2028
US46647PEN24 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR + 0.86% USD 500 10/22/2024 10/22/2028
US46647PEQ54 Senior - Callable 4.603% until 10/22/2029; then Compounded SOFR + 1.04% USD 2,500 10/22/2024 10/22/2030
US46647PER38 Senior - Callable 4.946% until 10/22/2034; then Compounded SOFR + 1.34% USD 3,000 10/22/2024 10/22/2035
US46647PEL67 Senior - Callable 4.979% until 7/22/2027; then Compounded SOFR + 0.93% USD 2,000 7/22/2024 7/22/2028
US46647PEM41 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR+0.93% USD 750 7/22/2024 7/22/2028
US46647PEJ12 Senior - Callable 4.995% until 7/22/2029; then Compounded SOFR + 1.125% USD 2,750 7/22/2024 7/22/2030
US46647PEK84 Senior - Callable 5.294% until 7/22/2034; then Compounded SOFR + 1.46% USD 3,500 7/22/2024 7/22/2035


Senior - Callable

3.674% until 6/6/2027; then 3m EURIBOR + 0.6%






Senior - Callable

3m EURIBOR + 0.61%






Senior - Callable

5.571% until 4/22/2027; then Compounded SOFR + 0.93%






Senior - Callable

O/N SOFR+0.92%






Senior - Callable

5.581% until 4/22/2029; then Compounded SOFR + 1.16%






Senior - Callable

5.766% until 4/22/2034; then Compounded SOFR + 1.49%





XS2791972248 Senior - Callable 3.761% until 3/21/2033; then 3m EURIBOR + 0.98% EUR 2,000 3/21/2024 3/21/2034
US46647PEA03 Senior - Callable 5.04% until 1/23/2027; then Compounded SOFR + 1.19% USD 2,500 1/23/2024 1/23/2028
US46647PDZ62 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR+1.20% USD 500 1/23/2024 1/23/2028
US46647PEB85 Senior - Callable 5.012% until 1/23/2029; then Compounded SOFR + 1.31% USD 2,500 1/23/2024 1/23/2030
US46647PEC68 Senior - Callable 5.336% until 1/23/2034; then Compounded SOFR + 1.62% USD 3,000 1/23/2024 1/23/2035
US46647PDY97 Senior - Callable
6.254% until 10/23/2033; then Compounded SOFR + 1.81% USD


US46647PDX15 Senior - Callable 6.087% until 10/23/2028; then Compounded SOFR + 1.57% USD 2,250 10/23/2023 10/23/2029
US46647PDW32 Senior - Callable (Green) 6.07% until 10/22/2026; then Compounded SOFR + 1.33% USD 2,000 10/23/2023 10/22/2027
US46647PDR47 Senior - Callable 5.35% until 06/1/2033; then Compounded SOFR + 1.845% USD 2,500 06/01/2023 06/01/2034
US46647PDM59 Senior - Callable 5.546% until 12/15/2024; then Compounded SOFR + 1.070% USD 3,000 12/15/2022 12/15/2025
US46647PDK93 Subordinated - Callable 5.717% until 09/14/2032; then Compounded SOFR + 2.580% USD 3,500 9/14/2022 9/14/2033
US46647PDH64 Senior - Callable
4.912% until 04/26/2032; then Compounded SOFR + 2.080% USD 4,500 7/25/2022 7/25/2033
US46647PDG81 Senior - Callable
4.851% until 04/26/2032; then Compounded SOFR + 1.990% USD
3,500 7/25/2022 7/25/2028
US46647PDF09 Senior - Callable 4.565% until 06/14/2029; then Compounded SOFR + 1.750% USD 2,000 6/14/2022 6/14/2030
US46647PDE34 Senior - Callable

3.845% until 06/14/2024; then Compounded SOFR + 0.980% USD
2,000 6/14/2022 6/14/2025
US46647PDD50 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR+0.970% USD 500 6/14/2022 6/14/2025
US46647PDB94 Senior - Callable O/N SOFR+1.320% USD
500 4/26/2022 4/26/2026
US46647PCZ71 Senior - Callable 4.080% until 04/26/2025; then Compounded SOFR + 1.320% USD 3,000 4/26/2022 4/26/2026
US46647PDA12 Senior - Callable 4.323% until 04/26/2027; then Compounded SOFR + 1.560% USD 3,000 4/26/2022 4/26/2028
US46647PDC77 Senior - Callable 4.586% until 04/26/2032; then Compounded SOFR + 1.800% USD 2,000 4/26/2022 4/26/2033
XS2461234622 Senior - Callable

1.963% until 03/23/2029; then 3m EURIBOR + 1.130% USD 2,500 3/23/2022 3/23/2030
US46647PCS39 Senior - Callable

O/N SOFR + 0.600% USD
400 12/10/2021 12/10/2025
US46647PCT12 Senior - Callable 1.561% until 12/10/2024; then Compounded SOFR + 0.605% USD 2,350 12/10/2021 12/10/2025

Preferred Stock

JPMorgan Chase & Co. outstanding preferred stock

Link to Prospectus
Name (Ticker) Coupon Currency Notional (mm) Issue Date Maturity Date Callable on or after
US48128AAJ25 Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series OO 6.500% until 4/1/2030; then 5Y CMT +2.152% USD 3,000 2/4/2025 Perpetual 4/1/2030
US48128BAQ41 Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series NN
6.875% until 06/01/2029; then 5Y CMT +2.737% USD 2,500 3/12/2024 Perpetual 6/1/2029
US48128B5232 Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series MM (JPM PR M)
4.20% USD 2,000 7/29/2021 Perpetual 9/1/2026
US48128BAN10 Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series KK
3.65% until 06/01/2026; then 5Y CMT +2.85% USD 2,000 5/12/2021 Perpetual 6/1/2026
US48128B5497 Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series LL (JPM PR L)
4.625% USD 1,850 5/20/2021 Perpetual 6/1/2026
US48128B5802 Non-Cumulative Preferred
Stock, Series JJ (JPM PR K)
4.550% USD 1,500 3/17/2021 Perpetual 6/1/2026
48128BAH4 Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series II 4% until 4/1/25; then 3m SOFR + 2.745% USD 1,500 2/24/2020 Perpetual 4/1/2025
48128B622 Non-
Series GG (JPM PR J)
4.750% USD 900 11/7/2019 Perpetual 12/1/2024
48128B648 Non-
Series EE (JPM PR C)
6.000% USD 1,850 1/24/2019 Perpetual 3/1/2024
48128B655 Non-
Series DD (JPM PR D)
5.750% USD 1,696 09/21/18 Perpetual 12/01/23
48128BAD3 Non-
Series CC
4.625% until 11/01/22; then 3m USD Libor + 2.58% USD 1,258 10/20/17 Perpetual 11/01/22

JPMorgan Chase & Co. outstanding preferred stock

Holders of JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s debt and equity securities will absorb losses if it were to enter into a resolution.

Federal Reserve rules require that JPMorgan Chase & Co. (the “Parent Company”) maintain minimum levels of unsecured external long-term debt and other loss-absorbing capacity with specific terms (“eligible LTD”) for purposes of recapitalizing JPMorgan Chase’s operating subsidiaries if the Parent Company were to enter into a resolution either:

  • in a bankruptcy proceeding under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, or
  • in a receivership administered by the FDIC under Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act (“Title II”).

If the Parent Company were to enter into a resolution, holders of eligible LTD and other debt and equity securities of the Parent Company will absorb the losses of the Parent Company and its subsidiaries.

The preferred “single point of entry” strategy under JPMorgan Chase’s resolution plan contemplates that only the Parent Company would enter bankruptcy proceedings. JPMorgan Chase’s subsidiaries would be recapitalized, as needed, so that they could continue normal operations or subsequently be divested or wound down in an orderly manner. As a result, the Parent Company’s losses and any losses incurred by its subsidiaries would be imposed first on holders of the Parent Company’s equity securities and thereafter on its unsecured creditors, including holders of eligible LTD and other debt securities. Claims of holders of those securities would have a junior position to the claims of creditors of JPMorgan Chase’s subsidiaries and to the claims of priority (as determined by statute) and secured creditors of the Parent Company.

Accordingly, in a resolution of the Parent Company in bankruptcy, holders of eligible LTD and other debt securities of the Parent Company would realize value only to the extent available to the Parent Company as a shareholder of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and its other subsidiaries, and only after any claims of priority and secured creditors of the Parent Company have been fully repaid.

The FDIC has similarly indicated that a single point of entry recapitalization model would be its expected strategy to resolve a systemically important financial institution, such as the Parent Company, under Title II. However, the FDIC has not formally adopted or committed to any specific resolution strategy.

If the Parent Company were to approach, or enter into, a resolution, none of the Parent Company, the Federal Reserve or the FDIC is obligated to follow JPMorgan Chase’s preferred resolution strategy, and losses to holders of eligible LTD and other debt and equity securities of the Parent Company, under whatever strategy is ultimately followed, could be greater than they might have been under JPMorgan Chase’s preferred strategy.


No Offer or Solicitation

The contents of this website are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.

Investment Considerations

An investment in securities entails certain risks, including those described in the offering documents relating to the securities. Information contained on this website may not be sufficient for a prospective investor to make an informed decision regarding an investment in any securities issued or sponsored by JPMorgan Chase or any of its affiliates. Reported performance results may not be indicative of future results. Prospective investors should consult their own financial and legal advisors about risks associated with investments in a particular issue of securities and the suitability of investing in such securities in light of their particular circumstances.

Information Subject to Change

JPMorgan Chase and its affiliates reserve the right to amend or revise any information or documents contained on this website at any time without notice. In particular, program and transaction documents contained on this website may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

Website Contains Dated Materials

This website operates as, among other things, an archive for offering documents and other materials prepared from time to time with respect to specific issuances of securities. The information and documents contained on this website speak only as of the dates indicated therein and may not be accurate as of any subsequent date. JPMorgan Chase and its affiliates do not undertake any obligation or assume any responsibility to update any of such information or documents.

No Liability

In no event shall JPMorgan Chase or any of its affiliates be liable for any damages of any kind (including, without limitation, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages) on any theory of liability arising out of or in connection with the use of any information on this website.

Non-Deposit Products

The securities described on this website are not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other governmental agency or instrumentality, and are not bank deposits, obligations or guarantees.


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